Ideas, Goals, and Key Points for Developing the Electric Porcelain Industry

Date:04-06  Hits:84  Belong to:knowledge
3.1 Guiding ideology

Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development proposed at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, guided by the principle of achieving sustainable development, and with the main focus on meeting market demand and improving economic efficiency, we will accelerate the adjustment of product structure, improve the technical content and grade of products, plan from a high starting point, construct with high standards, invest with high intensity, and manage efficiently to create a complete infrastructure, complete supporting functions, ideal investment environment, and distinct industrial characteristics A first-class domestic electric porcelain industry base with high technological content, enhancing the overall technical level and scale efficiency of Pingxiang's electric porcelain industry.

3.2 Basic principles

(1) The principles of scientific planning. Adhere to the scientific development concept, ensure the foresight, systematicity, authority, and continuity of the plan, and formulate the development plan for the electric porcelain industry in Luxi County from a high starting point with a long-term perspective and strategic thinking, forming a guiding document for the development of our county's electric porcelain industry.

(2) The principle of structural adjustment. For new electric porcelain projects, certain entry thresholds will be established in terms of product structure and grade, process technology level, and investment scale. Priority will be given to developing electrical porcelain and electrical product projects with high technological content, advanced process technology, and large investment scale. Repeated construction projects with low product grade, outdated process technology, and small investment scale will not be approved for approval.

(3) The principle of industrial agglomeration. To meet the inherent needs of the local and surrounding areas in Pingxiang for the agglomeration and extension of the electric porcelain industry, and to leverage the advantages of talent, technology, and resources within the industry, through investment attraction and asset restructuring, we aim to build an electric porcelain industry base with Luxi Industrial Porcelain New City and Electric Porcelain Industrial City as the central area and Shangbu and Nankeng Industrial Community as the radiating areas, further expanding and strengthening the electric porcelain industry, Build China's electric porcelain industry base with a certain level of popularity abroad and the largest scale of domestic output value.

(4) The principle of technological progress. The development of power transmission and transformation technology has increasingly high requirements for the performance of electric porcelain products. The use of advanced equipment, processes, and technologies to produce electric porcelain is an important guarantee for improving product performance, stabilizing product quality, and increasing product operation reliability. Encourage and support enterprises to carry out technological transformation, develop new technologies, processes, and products, continuously promote the progress of production process technology, and enhance their independent innovation capabilities.

(5) The principle of quality first. Quality is the lifeline of an enterprise, and the quality of electric porcelain products is directly related to the safe operation of the power transmission and transformation system. Once a quality accident occurs in electric porcelain products, it can cause local power supply interruption, affecting industrial and agricultural production and people's daily life; In general, it causes power grid paralysis within a certain region, causing significant losses to the national economy. Therefore, comprehensively improving quality awareness and strengthening quality supervision and control of electric porcelain products is the fundamental guarantee for improving the credibility of Pingxiang electric porcelain products at home and abroad and enhancing market competitiveness.

(6) The principle of market dominance. The market for insulators is developing in a diversified direction in terms of materials, with tempered glass insulators and composite insulators constantly replacing porcelain insulators and occupying an increasing market share. Composite insulators have good development prospects, such as rod shaped composite insulators composed of ceramic core rods and silicone rubber umbrella sleeves, which not only maintain the rigidity of ceramics but also exert the large creep distance and excellent pollution resistance of silicone rubber insulators. Therefore, while improving the technical content and added value of porcelain insulators, it is necessary to actively develop composite insulators and electrical products to better meet market demand, expand industrial scale, extend industrial chain, and improve economic benefits.

(7) The principle of leading by the dragon. The development of the electric porcelain industry cannot be separated from the driving and demonstration role of leading enterprises. We should actively introduce strategic investors and prioritize domestic and foreign insulator and related electrical appliance production enterprises with strength and influence to settle in Luxi or establish manufacturing bases in Luxi. At the same time, with asset restructuring as a link, we will integrate the advantageous resources within the base, and focus on supporting and cultivating a group of leading enterprises and backbone enterprises with large investment scale, advanced technology, and reliable product quality, in order to drive the healthy development of the Luxi electric porcelain industry.

3.3 Development Goals

3.3.1 Economic scale

(1) By 2010, an investment of 1.5 billion yuan was introduced in projects related to electric porcelain, with a total output value of 3 billion yuan in the electric porcelain industry, achieving profits and taxes of over 800 million yuan, and adding a planned land area of 2000 acres.

(2) By 2012, the cumulative investment in projects related to electric porcelain had exceeded 3 billion yuan, and the total output value of the electric porcelain industry had reached 5 billion yuan. The total profit and tax revenue had exceeded 1.3 billion yuan, and the newly planned land area had reached 4000 acres.

(3) By 2015, the cumulative investment in projects related to electric porcelain has exceeded 5 billion yuan, and the total output value of the electric porcelain industry has reached 10 billion yuan, achieving a total profit and tax of over 2.5 billion yuan, and a planned land area of 6000 acres.

3.3.2 Enterprise size and number of employees

(1) By 2010, no less than 15 enterprises were introduced into the park, including 2 backbone enterprises with an annual output value of over 100 million yuan, and more than 10000 new employees.

(2) By 2012, no less than 25 enterprises were introduced into the park, including 4 backbone enterprises with an annual output value of over 100 million yuan, 1 leading enterprise with an annual output value of over 300 million yuan, 1 listed company cultivated, and 16000 new employees.

(3) By 2015, no less than 40 enterprises have been introduced into the park, including 8 backbone enterprises with an annual output value of over 100 million yuan, 3 leading enterprises with an annual output value of over 300 million yuan, and more than 20000 new employees.

3.3.3 Market share

By 2012, strive to achieve a total output value of over 5 billion yuan in the Luxi electric porcelain industry, with a market share of over 25% in the domestic market and 3% in the international market; By 2015, the total output value of the Luxi electric porcelain industry had exceeded 10 billion yuan, with a domestic market share of 30% and an international market share of 5%.

3.4 Development Focus

During the 11th Five Year Plan period in China until 2020, the key goal of the development of the power industry is to achieve "power transmission from the west to the east, national interconnection, and north-south mutual supply". At the same time, efforts should be made to improve the transmission capacity of existing transmission lines. Therefore, the key products for the development of the insulator industry are the products required to achieve the above goals.

From the perspective of the development plan of the State Grid of China, except for the use of 750kV and 330kV main grids in the northwest region, there are mainly two transmission methods used for the West East Power Transmission. One is DC transmission with voltage levels of ± 500kV (± 600kV) and ± 800kV, and the other is AC ultra-high voltage transmission with voltage levels of 750kV and 1000kV. Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously develop DC insulators with voltage levels of ± 500kV (± 600kV) and ± 800kV, as well as AC ultra-high voltage insulator products with voltage levels of 750kV and 1000kV. There are two main forms of national interconnection, namely 500kV AC interconnection and DC back-to-back interconnection, which require more reliable insulator products for AC 500kV and corresponding DC systems. In addition, the development of gas insulation technology has put forward new requirements for the insulator industry, and insulators for power station electrical appliances that meet these requirements are also an important development direction.

Nuclear power is one of the important directions for the development of electricity in China. At present, the proportion of nuclear power in the total installed capacity in China is only 1%, and according to the power development plan, it will develop to around 3% during the 11th Five Year Plan period. How to adapt to the high reliability requirements of nuclear power for insulator products is one of the key points worth our attention.

From the development trend of the power industry, it can be predicted that the key products for the development of the insulator industry in the next five to fifteen years mainly include: DC system insulator products with voltage levels of ± 500kV (± 600kV) and ± 800kV, including DC line disc suspension and rod suspension insulators with strength levels of 160kN and above, DC rod support and hollow insulators with bending strength of 120kNm and above, high current oil gas, gas gas Adhesive impregnated paper insulated DC bushings, etc; Insulator products with AC voltage levels of 500kV, 750kV, and 1000kV, including line disc suspension and rod suspension insulators with strength levels of 300 kN and above, rod strut and hollow insulators with bending strength of 120kNm and above, and high current oil gas, gas gas, rubber impregnated paper insulation sleeves, etc; High reliability insulator products for nuclear power, etc.

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工作时间:周一至周五 9:00-18:00



Address:Pingli Development Zone, Shangbu Town, Luxi County, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province

Jiangxi Shunsen Power Equipment Co., Ltd. is a diversified electric porcelain development enterprise that integrates production, sales, service, and foreign trade.