Line insulator

Date:04-06  Hits:96  Belong to:knowledge
According to statistical data from 152 enterprises nationwide in 2006, the total production of domestic line insulators for the year was equivalent to 52.2 million disc suspension insulators, including 16.75 million porcelain insulators, 14.25 million glass insulators, and 3.03 million composite insulators (calculated based on 110kV standard components). The main production enterprises of porcelain insulators are Dalian Electric Porcelain Co., Ltd., NGK Tangshan Electric Porcelain Co., Ltd., Suzhou Electric Porcelain Factory Co., Ltd., etc; The main production enterprises of glass insulators are: Nanjing Electric (Group) Co., Ltd., Zigong Sadiver Tempered Glass Insulator Co., Ltd., Tianjin Diefu Insulator Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Jinlihua Electric Co., Ltd., etc; The main manufacturers of line composite insulators are Shandong Zibo Taiguang Power Equipment Factory, Guangzhou McLean Power Co., Ltd., Dongguan High Energy Industry Co., Ltd., Xiangfan State Grid Composite Insulator Co., Ltd., Xi'an Electric Porcelain Research Institute, etc.

The above data indicates that the market space for line porcelain insulators is increasingly being squeezed by glass insulators and composite insulators. The statistical results for the first half of 2008 were 44.5% for composite insulators, 35.8% for glass insulators, and 19.7% for porcelain insulators. The future development focus of line insulators is on high-strength disc suspension porcelain and glass insulators, long rod porcelain insulators, rod suspension composite insulators, and DC insulators.

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工作时间:周一至周五 9:00-18:00



Address:Pingli Development Zone, Shangbu Town, Luxi County, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province

Jiangxi Shunsen Power Equipment Co., Ltd. is a diversified electric porcelain development enterprise that integrates production, sales, service, and foreign trade.